Rack and PDU

Rack and PDU

NetShelter Rack Cabinets, NetShelter Rack PDUs, 3ph InfraStruxure PDUs, ATSs.

Racks and IT Power Distribution. Racks, enclosures and PDUs for IT equipment.


NetShelter rack cabinets, NetShelter Rack PDUs, 3F InfraStruxure PDUs, ATS.

6U to 48U rack enclosure, optimized for easy installation managing cables, integrating power distribution and maximizing airflow. Rack and enclosure accessories include cable management, rack components, shelves, blanking panels, etc. They can be freestanding or wall mount rack enclosure solutions. Power distribution can be for racks or row 3ph power distribution. Network switches are used to switch consumers from one power source to another (Transfer Switches).

Warranty is 2 years on PDU and 5 years on racks.

Available services: Design, installation, assembly and start-up, extended warranty, service plan, preventive maintenance, corrective actions, repairment.


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